Is your business ready to outsource to a freelance pa?


These are very strange times that we are living in … working from home will be unusual for many and a huge number of small business owners will also find that they are home schooling children as well as trying to run their business. Outsourcing admin tasks to a freelance pa may seem even less likely just now BUT are the essential admin tasks getting done? Would it be better that the short amount of time that you have each day, in between juggling everything else, is spent on other tasks that can’t be done by a freelance pa as they need your expertise?

When you are ready, outsourcing admin tasks to a freelance pa will give you back time to work on other aspects of your business that you really thought you had lost forever! The right freelance pa will not only undertake these tasks but they should also come up with ideas, alternatives and use their initiative once they have truly got to grips with your business. But how do you know when you are your business is ready to take this leap of faith and hand over tasks that you have been doing since you started your business, whether that was during normal working hours or in the middle of the night?! There will be signs ... but can you recognise them as being the signs to start outsourcing?

Are you feeling overworked and overwhelmed? Do you wondering how on earth you can fit more hours in the day? By the way you really, really can’t! Outsourcing to a freelance pa is a big step for a small business, but it is one that very few business owners regret … especially when it’s done at the right time. Some people say “You need to spend money to make money” so you do need to ensure you can pay them BUT a freelance pa will often offer flexible, ad hoc support which might be a great starting point before you sign up for regular monthly support.

So let’s take a look at what might indicate that you’re ready to outsource some of your work:

  1. You really don’t have enough hours in any day

    Many of us say we don’t have enough hours in the day ... but actually sometimes we just don’t plan and manage out time well enough. However, as your business grows you will find that you really don’t have enough time to do those time-consuming admin tasks, that you are rushing just to get them ticked off the list, and when you are doing them you constantly have at the back of your mind that there are other tasks that you would be better tackling to grow your business. 

    So if you find your days are filled with answering calls, responding to emails, creating spreadsheets and posting on social media ... these are ideal tasks to outsource to a freelance pa. They are all important and necessary tasks, but can take up so much of your time which could be spent finding new clients or working on new ideas for your business. 

    Do you constantly feel like there’s something hanging over you? Like you’re never really able to say “I’m ‘done’ for the day”? While this is a common feeling for small business owners, a good freelance pa can help you tackle all those tasks that hang over you at the end of the day so that you can actually end the day without a million things still to do.

  2. You have too many deadlines and are in danger of not meeting them

    Any business has deadlines to meet and it is important that we do meet them to maintain our reputation, ensure clients don’t loose faith in us and our business (and potentially move to another supplier) and to ensure that we don’t start to resent some aspects of our work. 

    If you are finding that certain admin tasks that need to be completed are distracting you from other more specialist tasks that you also need to focus on, then perhaps you are ready to outsource these tasks so that you can meet other deadlines.

  3. Things are falling through the cracks

    OK, so worst case scenario: you have actually lost paperwork (electronic or real), missed emails and your clients have complained of poor customer service – these are all a real indication that you need another pair of hands. You’re just one person and you can’t do it all! You will be surprised just how quickly outsourcing to a freelance pa will reap dividends.

    No-one is saying outsource ALL your admin, just some tasks that are either time-consuming and/or you hate doing! Start with a few hours a week and then increase as and when you need to; a freelance pa is really flexible.

  4. You’re too busy and have to turn down work/a project

    While that does sound like a great position to be in, is it the right approach? After all if you were able to take on the work/project would you and your business earn more than it would cost you to outsource some tasks to a freelance pa? It is a case of balancing the value of the work you are turning away, and bear in mind that potential client might not approach you again, and the cost of outsourcing. It is a simple case of doing the maths ... would paying a freelance pa for a couple of hours a week be less than the additional work (and consequential earnings) that could be brought into your business?

  5. You’re having to learn admin skills that aren’t in any way related to your expertise/ You’re doing tasks you know someone else should be doing

    So, remember when you set your business up, you planned to be a photographer, website designer or to sell gorgeous gifts, not do all the required admin tasks that are associated with running a business. Yes we all have to do them at the beginning but as your business grows you really don’t want to be learning how to do more and more admin tasks just because it is required to keep your business running. We might all love learning new skills ... but there is a limit right? Now really might be the time to outsource these tasks to a freelance PA who already has the skills required while you stick with the tasks you are already an expert at.  

    Are you spending time doing tasks you KNOW you aren’t really that good at? Tasks like:

    • Writing blog posts

    • Creating social media and blog graphics

    • Planning events or trips

    • Posting to social media

    • Creating spreadsheets and documents

    • Doing your own books and accounting

    If you love doing these tasks and are good at them, more power to you! But if you know you’re spending way too much time and are only doing a mediocre job, there are all perfect tasks to outsource to a freelance pa.

  6. Your business is growing

    Your business is growing, that’s brilliant, but you want this growth to continue so you need time to keep focusing on growth ... not doing time-consuming admin tasks! Having a freelance pa as part of your ‘team’, and yes they will be part of your team, will ensure that admin tasks are completed on time while you keep your business growing! 

    Outsourcing some tasks to a freelance pa will mean that you have to give up a little bit of control, but you will still oversee the work they do. After all a freelance pa is just that … an assistant. You need to be to provide direction, answer questions and troubleshoot complicated situations particularly at the start of your working relationship.

  7. You’re wearing too many hats 

    As I have said when we start our business we expect to wear all the hats required to get it up and running ... but there comes a time when you might just be wearing too many hats and that you aren’t getting tasks done well because you are running round in circles. When we look at the short term then continuing to do everything ourselves might seem fine and the cheaper option BUT if you consider the the longer term goals of your business what do you really think will happen with your business of continuing to do it all yourself? What is the actual cost? Turning away lucrative work, the chance of working with a new client you have been talking to for some time?

  8. You’re being inefficient

Let’s look at efficiency ... When you’re doing a task that you are skilled at, time will fly by, you’ll be relaxed and will get a lot done – yes, you’re in your zone! On the other hand, if you’re doing tasks that drive you insane, that you struggle to complete, that just take forever, then you’re being inefficient and need to outsource.

So, being realistic when you are doing something that takes you away from your skill set, you’re effectively losing money; you're effectively paying a non-expert (you), to perform task these tasks. More specifically, you wouldn’t want an accountant running your social media or a social media expert to create your company’s website. Do you see where I’m going with this?

Slogging through paperwork and other admin tasks can suck the joy right out of running your business. Also, believe it or not, there are people out there who actually LOVE doing admin tasks! So why not outsource these tasks and focus on the bigger picture and action tasks related to building your business. You’re a savvy business owner and I am sure you have a clear understanding of what you should and should not be doing in your business.

So, how many of the signs above do you recognise as being the case for you and your business? Do you now think you mighty be ready to outsource some admin tasks to a freelance pa?

Just to clarify though ... outsourcing admin tasks to a freelance pa doesn’t have to be hours and hours. One of the huge benefits is that a freelance pa is flexible and can either work for you on an ad hoc basis or anything from an hour/week to whatever you require. Why not keep a log of where you’re spending your time and what tasks you really don’t enjoy and take you a long time. Oh, and also take a note of the tasks you love to do because you don’t have to hand over admin tasks you enjoy. 

Then also make a note of all the great income-generating ideas you have to grow your business but haven’t had time to develop and implement ... and even put a value on them if you can. Just think if you could have time to do all of those! NOW just might be the time!!


Top tips for an achievable ‘To Do’ list


How to work with a freelance pa or virtual assistant