More time … would you like some?

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Do you always wish that you had a little bit more time to get things done? Or perhaps even a lot more time! Just imagine if you could have an hour extra every day … what would you do in that hour? Would you catch up with a task that has been on your ‘to-do’ list forever or relax, enjoy a cup of coffee and/or spend time with friends or family?

I am writing this as we approach that time of year when you really can have that extra hour … yes the clocks go back this weekend and so this very Sunday you have an extra hour to fill as you wish. What will you do with this oh so valuable hour ... work, rest or play?

Whatever you choose to do I hope you have a fabulous hour!

Next week …

So now it’s Monday and we are back to 24 hours in every day … but how would you like to gain an extra hour again? You could gain more time to do other tasks if you outsource time-consuming admin to a freelance pa/virtual assistant.

The tasks that might take you an hour or so could be done much more quickly and efficiently by a freelance pa and just think of what you could do in the time that time. You could be meeting potential new clients, networking a spreading the word about your business, planning other aspects of your work or getting on with work that you have to do for your clients instead of doing your business admin. Just imagine!!

What a freelance pa can do …

The list of what a freelance pa can do for you and your business is endless but most importantly they are available to support your business and enable you to work on your business rather than in your business.

Some tasks that you could outsource include:

  • Word processing, documentation, transcription, presentations and data entry

  • Online research including researching potential clients/competitors, products etc

  • Editing, proofreading, newsletters and blog writing

  • Creation of social media graphics

  • Travel planning

A freelance pa may also offer support with your personal admin tasks and one of the tasks that I love to do is gift sourcing, pre-marketing advice when selling your home and the creation of photobooks! 

Yes you see there is a really wide range of tasks that can be done for you … you just need to ask; then of course as a freelance pa I also know other freelancers and if I don’t have the skills for a particular task I will probably know someone else that does.

Freelance pa versus employee?

The decision is always yours and will depend on your circumstances and the position of your business. However, the most important reasons why outsourcing to a freelance pa might be right for you are:

  • You only pay for the hours that they are working for you, there is no commitment to a certain number of hours each week, unless you want that

  • You avoid all the headaches of tax, national insurance, holiday pay, pension contributions etc!

  • No need to provide office space and equipment

  • A freelance pa is unlikely to work to a strict 9am to 5pm work day so you will often get support outwit normal office hours

So, back to whether you would like ‘More time’ …


Whether or not you use your extra hour this weekend to work or relax … it just might make you think about how you could use an extra hour every day if you were to outsource some admin tasks that take you forever or don’t get done.

Outsourcing may be the way forward for you and your business so please do make contact if you would like to discuss how I can give you some time back.

Cornerstone pa services is here to help YOU and your business! Do get in touch if you have admin tasks to outsource and give yourself more time to focus on other aspects of your business. No task is ever too small or too tedious.


How to be more organised … here are some tips to start you off


Where am I from and Why did I set up as a freelance pa?