Time is such a precious thing
It flies, it drags, it ticks along.
Time is measurable
It’s seconds, minutes, hours, days and years.
Time can be used or it can be wasted
Use it, abuse it; love it or hate it.
Time can be lost and never found again
Own it, control it, it’s yours to use.
Work time should be rewarding and fulfilling
Me-Time should be the same.
Time can be stressful and challenging
Strive to make all time enjoyable and meaningful.
Time in work and life should not be divided
Ensure you enjoy all your time, it’s such a precious thing.
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Cornerstone pa services is here to help YOU and YOUR business. Do get in touch if you have admin tasks to outsource and give yourself more time to focus on other aspects of your business. No task is ever too small or too tedious.