Write great content fast …
Do you put off writing because it just takes far too long? Do you wish you could write faster? Do you envy all those people you see churning out regular content? I bet you do!
Well … this is where dictation can help … really!
I don’t mean dictating to another person, I mean dictating into your phone! Yes it’s amazing … you really don’t need to be sitting at your desk to write your blogs. Wow multitasking at its very best: getting your blog written while being healthy and getting outside for a walk. So what are you waiting for?
Write your blog ✓
Exercise and enjoy the fresh air (or something else!) ✓
Banish the stress ✓
Save time ✓
For many people dictation, literally chatting into your phone, is also much faster than typing. Most people talk much faster than they type but something to bear in mind is that the better your dictation software, the faster you can speak without lots of errors creeping in. Don’t get me wrong, there will almost always be some errors and so you will need to tidy up your copy but you would need to edit/proofread it anyway wouldn’t you?
Another advantage of dictating is that you can really focus on the words, just let them flow, produce your copy and look back over it later to tidy it up, sort out the paragraphs, add emojis etc.
There are some disadvantages … as I have said there will be mistakes when the software doesn’t understand you/your accent. You also have to remember to ‘say’ the punctuation which might take some getting used to. But find software that works for you and with practice you will get better, be able to talk quickly AND clearly and get things done! When I am typing at my desktop an article can take anything from 45 minutes to 2 hours, as I faff around fiddling with the copy as I go along and still have to go back and edit/proofread it when I am finished. Chatting into my phone while taking a walk (which I would want to do anyway) saves time, gives me a break in the fresh air (and away from my desktop) and I can work at the same time … WIN WIN.
So, have you tried dictation yet? If not, I would highly recommend it for all the reasons above. I just use my iPhone … and this is how:
Turn on Dictation
Go to Settings > General > Keyboard.
Turn on Enable Dictation.
Dictate text using Notes
Open a new Note.
Tap on the microphone icon on the onscreen keyboard, then speak.
When you finish, tap on the keyboard icon at the bottom or Done at the top.
When you get back to your desk (or laptop) you just need to copy and paste the note text into a new document (in my case I use Apple Pages or Google docs). Then don’t forget to edit and proofread it … which will only take a few moments.
It is as easy as that …
There are also dictation apps such as Transcribe and Evernote if you fancy trying them.
PS: You don’t have to dictate while you walk … you could be sitting with a cuppa, driving to an appointment or soaking in the bath while dictating; just ‘write’ great content where you are relaxed and can let the words flow.
Note: You can dictate on an android phone too but I don’t use one so can’t advise on that I’m afraid.
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