Your website copyright date...
As I write this it's the last day of January, but I am sure there are plenty of people who still haven’t changed the copyright date on their website. Have you?
Many people forget to do this as there are always so many other things that take priority. But, it only takes a couple of minutes and it shows visitors that your website is up-to-date, so it is well worth doing for that reason alone!
Many websites display the following copyright, usually to the footer:
Copyright © [DATE] [COMPANY NAME] All rights reserved
However, the copyright notice indicates the first date of publication for the website AND the content – blogs, blurb, custom images etc. This is another very important reason to change your copyright date but to have a date range not just the current year.
So for completeness, to ensure your website is current and maintains copyright over previously published work, it is better to use a copyright date range like this:
Copyright © [START DATE]–[CURRENT DATE] [COMPANY NAME] All rights reserved
I hope this helps!
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